Saturday, January 19, 2008

Saturday Ride and Mammoth Recap

Funny, the impact of 13 days off the bike, two trips out of town, eating & drinking plus work. Went for a local ride this afternoon and didn't feel so great. Time to the top of Westridge was as slow as ever and my HR got up to 181. Not a good sign on that particular loop...

Click on the image for info on MotionBased...

Map of Westridge Fireroad; Rusty Car; Sullivan Canyon

Sullivan Canyon got kind of demo'd by the rains from a few weeks ago. New ruts, downed trees, loose rocks, etc. made for slower than normal going. Surprisingly, there was still water flowing in some sections.

Speaking of rain, don't believe the 60" - 90" base depth the Mammoth propaganda site is reporting. There was a fair amount of dirt showing last weekend on various parts of the hill.

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