Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday MTB Ride

Rode Sullivan Canyon to Rusty Car to Backbone Trail this morning w/ a small group including Mike M., Mike Sudo, Jacinda and her friend Jason. It was pretty toasty, especially on the final climb out of the canyon.

Map of Sullivan Canyon; Rusty Car; Backbone Trail

Some drama as a cyclist had taken a header somewhere in the canyon. Two helicopters hovered above trying to locate him but the canopy made it difficult for them to see.

The whole thing was kinda ridiculous b/c they wouldn't have been able to land anywhere. Plus the guy didn't appear to be that all that injured. At least in my expert opinion. Here are a few pics...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Recent Rides

Despite feeling a bit green last Saturday, rode the Scott up PCH to Topanga Canyon to Mulholland Hwy to Old Topanga Road and back home.

Map of Topanga Canyon/Old Topanga Road Loop

On Sunday, headed up to Sycamore Canyon again and rode a loop that included the Guadalasca, Sage, Sin Nombre and Two Foxes single-tracks. The previous week, was able to ride w/ a sleeveless jersey; last week, had to wear a long-sleeve.

Map of Sycamore Canyon; Guadalasca; Sage; Sin Nombre; Two Foxes

The brush up there is thick and still quite green. Mike and Miles both encountered ticks on the trail.

A shot of Hell Hill off in the distance. We circumvented it on Sunday.

Rode the local Westridge/Sullivan fireroad loop on the Bianchi after work on Wednesday. This was my first mid-week ride in at least a month.

Map of Westridge Fireroad; Sullivan Fireroad

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Weekend Rides

I've complained a lot this year about the weather. Specifically, how bad weather on the weekends has been bad for riding.

Well, last weekend rolled around and it was beautiful outside. Maybe too nice. The NWS called it in the high 80s both days on the coast. Going up Westridge Saturday was a scorcher. Sycamore Canyon Sunday was hot as well.

Map of Westridge; Dirt Mulholland; Hub; Michael Lane; PCH; San Vicente

Map of Sycamore Canyon; Guadalasca; Sin Nombre; Two Foxes

Here are a few pics from Sunday...

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Sunday MTB Ride

Headed out to the San Gabriels on Sunday to ride w/ Nor, Carlyn, Brett, Andrew and a few others. Must say that the climbs out there are more lengthy, the single-track is scarier and the poison oak is more prevalent.

Here's a link to info on Motionbased...

Map of Brown Mtn; Echo Mtn; Sunset Ridge; El Prieto

Here are a few pics...

Monday, April 07, 2008

Santa Cruz Island

Rolled out to the island last week w/ Lindholm and Javs for a few days to paddle the kayak, fish for calicos and relax. Here are a few pics.

Getting close to Fry's Harbor on Thursday...

Setting the stern anchor...

In the cove...

Just before heading out...