Friday, November 23, 2007

Post-Thanksgiving Carnage

Met Miles up at Corral Canyon for a post-Thanksgiving Backbone Trail ride. Less than 20 minutes in, took a bad line on a short, steep (but easily rideable) section where the single-track drops down into the dry creek bed. My front wheel hit an exposed rock and stopped dead. Subsequently, went over the bars and face/head first into the rocks.

This was one of the scarier crashes I've experienced. The process of taking physical inventory in the immediate aftermath was pretty stressful. Thankfully, it appears there's no major damage. Will probably need to get my neck looked at though which is scary.

Here are a few pics of the rock I landed on, my Pneumo lid which is now fried and my face...

1 comment:

Andre Alforque said...

What's with the grin? Happy to have escaped major injury? Oh, and dude, the home decor needs updating.