Sunday, June 03, 2007

Elings Park XC Race

Raced in SB on Saturday along with what's become a pretty regular group. The short course was the same as last September except for a different start/finish placement. Improved upon my Firestone results, finishing 17th out of 30 with a time that was just a minute off the average for the class. Here are final results on Geoladders. After Castaic, was generally happy w/the outcome.

Click for an overview on MotionBased...

Map of Elings Park XC Race

Here's an hr/elevation graph. In contrast to Castaic, all the climbs at Elings were manageable. (Still ended up using the granny on 2nd and 3rd laps though.) While my avg hr over the course of the race was 168, it never went above 177...

Miles kept his podium streak alive finishing 4th. Two dropped chains interfered w/ what would've been a 3rd. Wonder if he'll get that fixed soon??

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